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Biennial Gathering 2024: Generation to Generation

Theological Opportunities and Challenges for Building Intergenerational Bridges

The Association for Hispanic Theological Education (AETH) is proud to present the Biennial Gathering 2024, a transformative experience that convenes leaders, theological educators, ministers, pastors and anyone interested in the theological endeavor to explore the theme “Generation to Generation: theological opportunities and challenges to build intergenerational bridges”.

The Biennial Gathering will take place from October 17-19, 2024, at The Bright Ministry Center in Orlando, Florida.  It is an unmissable event for all those who long to contribute to intergenerational dialogue and develop relevant tools to face contemporary challenges together from a theological perspective. This hybrid event will allow for face-to-face and online participation, offering an inclusive, enriching and accessible theological educational space for all.

Committed to its mission of fostering theological education that responds to today’s challenges, promoting mutual understanding and intergenerational collaboration. Topics such as preaching, succession models, mentoring, para-church ministries, among many others, will be developed. Through different exposure experiences, each participant will have the opportunity to exchange knowledge, experiences and visions, in order to train and equip themselves to lead our communities on the path to a prosperous and hope-filled future.

Registration will be available this summer.  In the meantime, we invite you to save the date on your calendar to be part of this journey of growth and communion. An experience that will enlighten your mind and nourish your spirit.  For more information, write to and stay connected through our social media for further updates.






Address of the Biennial Venue

The Bright Ministry Center

The Bright Ministry Center’s contemporary facilities will host our Biennial Gathering 2024.

With an excellent location, it is located 14 minutes from the Orlando International Airport and less than 30 minutes from most of the theme parks.

Located in: 11002 Lake Hart Dr, Orlando, FL 32832