Conversatorio: Tres aspectos de la vida del predicador / Three aspects of the life of the preacher 

The Hispanic church in the United States is experiencing challenges and we leaders have the privilege of interpreting and responding to them, but we cannot do it alone. Let's build wisdom and criteria from the fraternal exchange of experiences and knowledge. Join us in this conversation where we will review the purpose of preaching, the strengths of our Hispanic community in the Christian church and the commitment of the pastorate with the community.

Title: Three Aspects of the Preacher's Life (What to do in Preparation for Preaching in the Hispanic/Latino Context)

Guests: Rev. Danny Román-Gloró, D.Min., Ph.D. - Director of the Asbury Latino Center

                    Rev. Milca Rivera - Member of the General Board and the Administrative Committee of the General

                  Board of the Disciples of Christ.

Date: April 25

Time: 7:00PM ET

Zoom Link:

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