407-754-6863 / 407-773-1234

Request for Certification

This is one of the most innovative services we have provided since 2013. AETH is the only entity recognized by the ATS to certify the quality of programs provided by Bible institutes and other Hispanic ministry development programs.

Students who graduate from certified programs directly benefit from this service: first, certification guarantees the quality and relevance of the courses and programs offered to them; second, those wishing to continue their studies can access master's programs in ATS seminaries that accept such certification as a valid and sufficient criteria for admission to those programs.

Certified Bible Institutes and other ministerial training programs benefit because they enter a circle of institutions that, because of their quality, can develop more partnerships with seminaries or universities and attract more students.

Seminaries also benefit because Certified Bible Institutes are a source of students for their master's and postgraduate programs.

See Letter of Approval from ATS (Association of Theological Schools)

To learn more about the certification process and itS requirements, please complete the form below: