Emory University's Candler School of Theology, in partnership with AETH, received a Pathways for Tomorrow grant from the Lilly Endowment. Through this grant, the Pitts Library at Candler will offer free online access to high-quality library resources for every student and faculty member associated with an AETH-affiliated certified Bible college and will work in partnership with the Just Center and Catherine Gonzalez to digitize their materials for access to our membership and beyond.
The grant also includes the formation of the Antioch Center by AETH. AETH board member Peter Rios suggested the name of the center as a reminder of the moment in Acts 13 when leaders of a young and growing church movement paused to fast, pray, discern and study in the city of Antioch. Through this Center, AETH will host gatherings of pastors, high school teachers and principals for teaching enrichment, and for research and reflection on their practices. As Elizabeth Conde-Frazier noted, many instructors in Bible institutes are self-taught, have deep tacit knowledge and a profound ability to connect church and academia. Candler will provide resources and support for AETH's Antioch Center.
Free access to high-quality resources
Candler School of Theology of Emory University, in partnership with AETH, has received a Pathways for Tomorrow Grant from the Lilly Endowment. Through this grant, the Pitts Library at Candler will offer free online access to high-quality library resources for every student and faculty member associated with an AETH-affiliated certified Bible institute and will work in partnership with the Justo and Catherine Gonzalez Center to digitize their materials for access to our membership and beyond.
The grant also includes the formation of the Antioch Center by AETH. AETH board member Peter Rios suggested the center's name as a reminder of the moment in Acts 13 when leaders of a young, growing church movement paused for fasting, prayer, discernment, and study in the city of Antioch. Through this Center, AETH will host gatherings of pastors, institute professors and directors for the enrichment of teaching, and for research and reflection on their practices. As Elizabeth Conde-Frazier noted, many instructors in Bible institutes are self-taught who have deep tacit knowledge and a profound ability to connect church and academy. Candler will provide resources, and support for AETH's Antioquia Center.