407-754-6863 / 407-773-1234

“Nuestro sitio web estará en mantenimiento durante varios días para mejorar su contenido y experiencia.  ¡Gracias por su paciencia!

Diamond – Bienal 2024



  • Advertisement in the program (Internal back cover)
  • A greeting (5 minutes maximum) in one of the plenary sessions
  • 10 tickets to the event with VIP table at the main auditorium
  • Exhibitor table in premium location for Diamonds
  • Floor banner in attendance hall or passing through areas*
  • Logo on Biennial24 web page
  • Logo in digital event promotions
  • Logo in event’s program
  • Mention in press release
  • 1 institutional and 4 individual memberships for 1 year
  • Promotional material inclusion in the welcome package at registration**
  • Sponsorship of 1 plenary (mention, video maximum 60 seconds)***