407-754-6863 / 407-773-1234

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Welcome to


What We Do

We create spaces dedicated to theological reflection and the integral growth of teachers, pastors, directors of Bible institutes and active lay leaders. We are committed to promoting professional development, teaching training, spiritual and vocational discernment, as well as collaborative research, highlighted through specialized publications and webinars.

Resources: Collaborative

The ReDET collaborative lab provides tools, resources, connections and opportunities to participate and contribute to best practices in theological education.

Spotlight Training

Renew your faith experience in the digital environment!
Participate in our Online Workshop: "Echoes of Faith in the Digital Age" on Saturday, March 16th at 4pm AST. Learn how to link the church with Technology from Jesús Rodriguez Cortés, our expert in Telecommunications.

Survey of the Month

Antioch is a relevant space for leadership in hot churches. Therefore we have monthly surveys which we use as the basis for finding resources and creating programming guided by your preferences. HAble, we hear you!


How we do it

- We create virtual and physical meeting places for teachers, pastors, Bible college directors and active lay leaders to reflect theologically on their work.
- We promote professional development, teaching training, spiritual and vocational discernment, and collaborative research in the form of publications and webinars.
- We offer training through asynchronous webinars, downloadable resources and networking opportunities for Latino/Hispanic believers.

"Empowering leaders, strengthening communities. The Antioquia Center, is a comprehensive resource for empowering leadership in the Church."

Contact us at


407-754-6863 / 407-773-1234


PO Box 677848 Orlando, FL 32867