Guest Speakers - Conferencistas Invitados - Guest Speakers
Dr. Alberto La Rosa Rojas
He is Assistant Professor of Theology and Ethics and Interim Director of the Hispanic Ministry Program at Western Theological Seminary. He was born in Callao, Peru where he learned to love soccer, salsa, and Peruvian ceviche. His immigrant experience informs his research that explores the meaning and importance of migration and home for the Christian life. Alberto received his Th.D. in Theology and Ethics from Duke University (2022) with a dissertation entitled "God's Journey Home: Toward a Theology of Migration and Home from the Americas." He has taught courses in the United States, El Salvador and Peru. He has also written a number of book reviews and book chapters, including A Migrant at the Lord's Table: A Reformed Theology of Home," included in Reformed Public Theology: A Global Vision for Life in the World. Alberto is a candidate for ordination in the Reformed Church in America, Holland Classis.
Alberto La Rosa Rojas is Assistant Professor of Theology and Ethics and Interim Director of the Hispanic Ministry Program at Western Theological Seminary, in Holland Michigan. He was born and raised in the port city of Callao, Peru, where he learned to love soccer, salsa, and Peruvian ceviche. His experience as an immigrant informs and fuels his research which explores the meaning and importance of migration and home for the Christian life. Alberto received his Th.D. in Theology and Ethics from Duke University (2022) with a dissertation titled, "God's Journey Home: Toward a Theology of Migration and Home from the Americas." He has taught courses in the United States, El Salvador, and Peru. He has also written a number of book reviews and book chapters, including "A Migrant at the Lord's Table: A Reformed Theology of Home," included in Reformed Public Theology: A Global Vision for Life in the World. Dr. La Rosa is a licensed candidate for ordination in the Reformed Church in America, Holland Classis.
Rev. Aracelis Vázquez Haye
She is an ordained American Baptist minister, chaplain, educator and community organizer. Aracelis currently serves as Project Manager for ReDET, AETH's network of individuals and entities created for mutual support, collaboration and common problem solving in theological education. Aracelis has taught courses on community engagement, diversity and social justice, and youth ministry at St. John's University, Connecticut College, Three Rivers Community College, and the Youth Ministry Institute at Yale University. Aracelis earned her B.A. from Eastern Connecticut State University, M.Ed. from Loyola University Chicago and a Master of Divinity from Yale University. Aracelis' work and passion for the work of DEI, theological education, and social and prophetic justice is the fuel that drives her to learn more, serve others, and lead with action.
Aracelis Vázquez Haye is an ordained American Baptist minister, chaplain, educator, and community organizer. Aracelis currently serves as the Project Manager of ReDET, AETH's network of people and entities created for mutual support, collaboration, and the solution of common problems in theological education. Aracelis has taught courses on community engagement, diversity and social justice, and youth ministry at St. John's University, Connecticut College, Three Rivers Community College, and Yale University's Youth Ministry Institute. Aracelis earned her B.A. from Eastern Connecticut State University, M.Ed. from Loyola University of Chicago, and a Master of Divinity from Yale University. Aracelis' work and passion for DEI work, theological education, and social and prophetic justice is the fuel that drives her to learn more, serve others, and to lead with action.
Dr. Daisy L. Machado
She is Executive Director of the Hispanic Summer Program and Professor Emerita of American Religious History at Union Theological Seminary. She is the first American Latina to be ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Dr. Machado was born in Cuba and came to New York City at the age of three. From 1996 to 1999, Dr. Machado was the first Director of the Hispanic Theological Initiative.
She served as academic dean of Lexington Theological Seminary in Lexington, KY, and Union Theological Seminary in New York, where she was the first Latina to hold the position of academic dean at both institutions. She was the first Latina to serve as Summer Season Chaplain in 2015 at Chautauqua Institution and will return in July 2023. She has lectured at many seminars and conferences across the country and abroad.
Dr. Machado's publications include numerous chapters in anthologies, encyclopedias, newspapers and magazines. Some of his works include Borderland Religion: Ambiguous Practices of Difference and Hope an anthology published in 2019 that he co-edited with Dr. Trygve Wyller (Norway) and Dr. Bryan Turner (Australia). In this anthology she also has an essay entitled "Santa Muerte: A Transgressing Saint Transgresses Borders." In addition, Dr. Machado has also authored numerous book chapters on the borderlands, including: the chapter "History and Latino Identity: Mapping A Past That Leads to Our Future" in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Latino/a Theology, 2nd edition, 2023; "Borderlife and the Religious Imagination" in the anthology Religion and Politics; "Voices from Nepantla: Latinas in U.S. Religious History" in Feminist Intercultural Theology; "'The Great Revival of '33': The Protestant Missionary Enterprise, Revival, Identity, and Tradition" in Futuring Our Past: Explorations in the Theology of Tradition; "The Southern U.S. Border: Immigration, the Historical Imagination, and Globalization" in Rethinking Economic Globalization; and "La Otra América - The Other America" in A Dream Unfinished: Theological Reflections on America from the Margins. She is also co-editor of the anthology A Reader in Critical Latina Feminist Theology, which contains her essay "The Unnamed Woman: Justice, Feminists, and the Unnamed Woman." Her first monograph on the topic of the borderlands was Of Borders and Margins: Hispanic Disciples in Texas, 1888-1945. In May 2023 she received an honorary doctorate from Drew University in Madison, New Jersey.
Daisy L. Machado serves as the Executive Director of the Hispanic Summer Program and is Professor Emerita of American Religious History at Union Theological Seminary. She is the first U.S. Latina ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Dr. Machado is a native of Cuba and came to New York City at the age of three years old. From 1996-1999 Dr. Machado served as the first Director of the Hispanic Theological Initiative.
She served as academic dean at Lexington Theological Seminary in Lexington, KY, and Union Theological Seminary in NYC where she was the first Latina to serve as academic dean at both schools. She was the first Latina to serve as Chaplain for the Summer Season in 2015 at the Chautauqua Institution and will return in July 2023. She has lectured in many seminars and conferences across the country and abroad.
Dr. Machado's publications include numerous chapters in anthologies, encyclopedias, journals, and magazines. Some of her works include Borderland Religion: Ambiguous Practices of Difference and Hope an anthology published in 2019 which she co-edited with Dr. Trygve Wyller (Norway) and Dr. Bryan Turner (Australia). In this anthology she also has an essay titled "Santa Muerte: A Transgressing Saint Transgresses Borders". In addition, Dr. Machado has also authored many book chapters on the borderlands, among them: the chapter "History and Latino Identity: Mapping A Past That Leads to Our Future" in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Latino/a Theology, 2nd edition, 2023; "Borderlife and the Religious Imagination" in the anthology Religion and Politics; "Voices from Nepantla: Latinas in U.S. Religious History" in Feminist Intercultural Theology; "'The Great Revival of '33': The Protestant Missionary Enterprise, Revival, Identity, and Tradition" in Futuring Our Past: Explorations in the Theology of Tradition; "The Southern U.S. Border: Immigration, the Historical Imagination, and Globalization" in Rethinking Economic Globalization; and "La Otra América - The Other America" in A Dream Unfinished: Theological Reflections on America from the Margins. She is also co-editor of the anthology, A Reader in Critical Latina Feminist Theology which contains her essay "The Unnamed Woman: Justice, Feminists, and the Unnamed Woman". Her first monograph on the issue of the borderlands was Of Borders and Margins: Hispanic Disciples in Texas, 1888-1945. In May 2023 she received an Honorary Doctorate from Drew University in Madison, N.J.
Dr. Danny Román-Gloró
He is the Director of the Asbury Latino Center (Asbury en Clave Latina). The Asbury Latino Center is the bridge between the Latino community and the theological tradition, ethics, mission and educational resources of Asbury Theological Seminary. The Asbury Latino Center focuses on helping Latinas/os become agents of change and leaders within the Kingdom of God and their communities by providing contextually relevant and theologically sound educational programs. Danny also serves as a professor in the areas of preaching, practical theology and ministerial leadership. Danny holds a PhD in Communication (Regent University) and a DMin in preaching (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary), and is an ordained elder in the Southeast Region Conference of the Free Methodist Church. Prior to joining Asbury, Danny was a pastor for 26 years and pastored churches in Miami, Chicago and Boston.
Danny Román-Gloró, D.Min, Ph.D., is the Director of the Asbury Latino Center (Asbury en Clave Latina). The Asbury Latino Center is the bridge between the Latino/a community and Asbury Theological Seminary's theological tradition, ethics, mission, and resources. The Asbury Latino Center is focused on helping Latinas/os become agents of change and leaders within the Kingdom of God and their communities by providing contextually-relevant and theologically-robust educational programs. Danny also serves as a professor in the areas of preaching, practical theology, and ministry leadership. Danny has a Ph.D. in Communication (Regent University) and a DMin in Preaching (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) and is an ordained elder in the Southeast Region Conference of the Free Methodist Church. Before joining Asbury, Danny was a pastor for 26 years and pastored churches in Miami, Chicago, and Boston.
Rev. Guesnerth Josué Perea
He is Executive Director of the afrolatin@ forum, Co-Curator of the AfoLatine Theology Project, Executive Producer of the documentary "Faith in Blackness: An Exploration of AfroLatine Spirituality", Associate Pastor at Metro Hope Church, Novice of the Community of the Incarnation part of the Center for Spiritual Imagination, and Co-Host of the podcast "Majestad Prieta". His writings on AfroLatinidad have been part of several publications including Let the Spirit Speak! Cultural Journeys through the African Diaspora, the Journal of Colombian Studies, and Engaging Religion, a digital journal from Indiana University. Josué was once named by amNewYork newspaper as one of five Colombians who "leave their mark" in New York City.
Guesnerth Josué Perea serves as Executive Director of the afrolatin@ forum, Co-Curator of the AfoLatine Theology Project, Executive Producer of the documentary "Faith in Blackness: An Exploration of AfroLatine Spirituality", Associate Pastor at Metro Hope Church, a Novice of the Community of Incarnation part of the Center for Spiritual Imagination, and Co-Host of the podcast "Majestad Prieta". His writings on AfroLatinidad have been part of various publications including Let Spirit Speak! Cultural Journeys through the African Diaspora, the Revista de Estudios Colombianos, and Engaging Religion, a digital journal by Indiana University. Josué was once named by the newspaper amNewYork as one of five Colombians "making a mark" in New York City.
Jesús Rodríguez Cortés
Jesús is founder and director of and producer of the podcast TeoBytes, where he has produced audiovisual materials for a theological education grounded in the time of computer networks. He has put his professional skills at the service of The Church as a writer of articles on technology and spirituality, writer and collaborator in the incorporation of audiovisual materials and podcasts in support of the Christian education magazine El Discípulo. He has also collaborated with the Association for Hispanic Theological Education (AETH), providing technological solutions in communications. In addition, he has been director of information systems and professor at the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico. As of November 2021, he received the call to collaborate at the denominational level as Director of the Juan Figueroa Umpierre Bible Institute and Technology in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Puerto Rico.
Jesús' expertise and experience have been instrumental in the technological transformation of the Instituto Bíblico Juan Figueroa Umpierre, the Seminario Evangelico de Puerto Rico, and theological institutions outside of Puerto Rico during the last few years. He has collaborated as director of technology solutions applied to education and teacher, integrating technology to education in projects such as the creation of the intelligent classroom Rev. Luis F. del Pilar Piñeiro.
Jesús is founder and director of and producer of the podcast TeoBytes, where he has produced audiovisual materials for a theological education grounded in the time of computer networks. He has put his professional skills at the service of The Church as a writer of articles on technology and spirituality, writer and collaborator in the incorporation of audiovisual materials and podcasts in support of the Christian education magazine El Discípulo. He has also collaborated with the Association for Hispanic Theological Education (AETH), providing technological solutions in communications. In addition, he has been director of information systems and professor at the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico. As of November 2021 he received the call to collaborate at the denominational level as Director of the Juan Figueroa Umpierre Bible Institute and Technology in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Puerto Rico.
Jesus' expertise and experience have been instrumental in the technological transformation of the Juan Figueroa Umpierre Bible Institute, the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, and theological institutions outside of Puerto Rico during the last few years. He has collaborated as director of technology solutions applied to education and teacher, integrating technology to education in projects such as the creation of the intelligent classroom Rev. Luis F. del Pilar Piñeiro.
Dr. Lis Valle-Ruiz
He teaches preaching and worship, and directs Community Worship Life at McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL. He earned his doctoral degree in philosophy of religion from the Homiletics and Liturgy program at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN, where he also studied gender and sexuality. Her research interests are in the interconnections between preaching, worship, and performativity studies. Most recently she has been researching the relationship between trauma and liturgy and digital mediations of preaching and worship. Lis earned a master's degree in theology, concentration in Homiletics from Princeton Theological Seminary and a master of divinity degree from Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. She also completed a juris doctor and a Bachelor of Arts in Education from the University of Puerto Rico. Theater is her lifelong passion.
Lis Valle-Ruiz is Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Worship and Director of Community Worship Life at McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, IL. She earned her PhD in Homiletics and Liturgics from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, where she also studied gender and sexuality. Her research interests lie at the intersection of preaching, worship, and performance studies. Her current research project is on digital mediations of worship and preaching practices. Valle received a ThM in Homiletics from Princeton Theological Seminary and an MDiv from Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. She also holds a JD and a BA in Education from the University of Puerto Rico. Theater is her life-long passion.
Dr. Pablo A. Jimenez
He is a professor of Pastoral Theology, specializing in Homiletics, Leadership and Revitalization of the Church. Jiménez has earned several degrees in theology: a Master of Divinity (MDiv) from the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico; a Master of Sacred Theology (STM) in New Testament and Homiletics from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, Indiana; and a Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Hermeneutics from Columbia Theological Seminary (CTS) in Decatur, Georgia.
Pablo has written several books, including Púlpito: An Introduction to Hispanic Preaching (with Justo L González). He is also editor of The Preaching Bible (UBS). Pablo has taught at several theological schools, both in English and Spanish, in the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean. He produces a podcast in Spanish entitled Prediquemos (; resources an educational website in Spanish (; and another in English (
Pablo A. Jiménez is a professor of Pastoral Theology, specialized in Homiletics, Leadership and Church Revitalization. Jiménez has earned several degrees in theology: a Master of Divinity (MDiv) from the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico; a Sacred Theology Masters (STM) in New Testament and Homiletics from Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, Indiana; and a Doctor of Ministry in Biblical Hermeneutics from Columbia Theological Seminary (CTS) in Decatur, Georgia.
Pablo has written several books, such as Púlpito: An Introduction to Hispanic Preaching (with Justo L Gonzalez). He is also the editor of La Biblia para la Predicación (UBS). Pablo has taught at various theological schools, both in English and Spanish, in the United States, Latin America and the Caribbean. He produces a podcast in Spanish titled Prediquemos (; resources an educational website in Spanish (; and another one in English (
Dr. Jessica Lugo-Meléndez
Jessica Lugo-Meléndez is an Ordained Minister of the American Baptist Churches born in Puerto Rico. Together with her husband Joel Diaz they are the proud parents of Joel Antonio and Joel Manuel. Jessica teaches New Testament and Church History courses at PR Theological Seminary, and Business Administration courses at other universities. She is a bi-vocational pastor at the First Baptist Church of Canóvanas and actively collaborates with her denomination in several committees.
In her secular work, she is an innovation strategist. Jessica holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Liberty University with a specialization in Biblical Teaching and Preaching. She also holds a Master of Divinity degree from the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, and a second Master of Business Administration degree from Ana G. Mendez University. Finally, Jessica is the secretary of the Board of Directors of AETH and dreams of making theological education accessible to the layperson, the minister and the academic individual.
Jessica Lugo-Meléndez is a Puerto Rican born Ordained Minister for the American Baptist Churches. Together with her husband Joel Diaz they are the proud parents of Joel Antonio and Joel Manuel. Jessica teaches New Testament and Church History courses at Seminario Teológico de PR, and Business Administration courses in other universities. She is a bi-vocational pastor at the Primera Iglesia Bautista de Canóvanas and actively collaborates with her denomination on several committees.
On her secular job, she is an innovation strategist. Jessica has a Doctorate Degree in Ministry from Liberty University with a specialization on Biblical Teaching and Preaching. She also has a Master's in Divinity from the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, and a second Master Degree in Business Administration from the Ana G. Mendez University. Lastly, Jessica is AETH's board secretary and dreams on making theological education accessible to the lay, minister and academical individual.
Dr. Michelle Carattini Ramsundar
Michelle Carattini Ramsundar is a recent graduate of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Pentecostal Theological Seminary. She holds a Master's Degree in Church Ministries and a Bachelor's Degree in Christian Education from Lee University. Michelle and her Husband are pastors of the Fountain of Life Church of God in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She also serves as the Director of Education for the Church of God North Central Region. Michelle is married to Dr. Kris Ramsundar who is a Trinidadian, and they have two adult Trinidadians, Marissa and Gabrielle. As a pastor's daughter, Michelle began preaching as a teenager. On Sunday mornings, when Michelle is not preaching, she is translating the message. Michelle is Puerto Rican, raised primarily in California, but has served in Mexico as a missionary educator, so her accent reflects the diversity of her journey.
Michelle Carattini Ramsundar is a recent graduate of the Doctor of Ministry Program of the Pentecostal Theological Seminary. She holds a Masters in Church Ministries and a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education from Lee University. Michelle and her Husband are pastors the Manantial de Vida Church of God in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She also serves as the Education Director for the Church of God North Central Region. Michelle is married to Dr Kris Ramsundar who is Trinidadian, and they have two adult Trini-Ricans, Marissa, and Gabrielle. As a pastor's daughter Michelle began preaching as a teenager. On Sunday mornings, when Michelle is not preaching, she is translating the message. Michelle is Puerto Rican, raised mainly in California, but has served in Mexico as a missionary educator so her accent reflects the diversity of her journey.
Kerwin Rodriguez
He has taught preaching, spiritual formation and church ministry through college courses, seminary and workshops for nearly fifteen years. He currently serves as Assistant Professor of Preaching and Church Ministries at Moody Bible Institute and is a doctoral candidate in Preaching at Truett Seminary of Baylor University. His research interests include the Latino/a preaching tradition, and his dissertation specifically addresses how Christian preaching can address and repair the historical trauma of dictatorship for the Dominican people. He is co-editor and contributing author of One Volume Seminary: A Complete Ministry Educational Resource (Moody Publishers, 2022). Kerwin and his wife, Meredith, live in Chicago, IL with their three children.
Kerwin Rodriguez has taught preaching, spiritual formation, and church ministry through college, seminary, and workshop courses for almost fifteen years. He currently serves as Assistant Professor of Preaching and Church Ministries at the Moody Bible Institute and is a PhD in Preaching Candidate at Baylor University's Truett Seminary. His research interest includes the Latino/a preaching tradition, and his dissertation specifically addresses how Christian preaching can address and redress the historical trauma of dictatorship for Dominican people. He is a co-editor and contributing author to the One Volume Seminary: A Complete Ministry Educational Resource (Moody Publishers, 2022). Kerwin and his wife, Meredith live in Chicago, IL with their three sons.