Thanksgiving Reflection 2022


Gratitude is often combined with Thanksgiving - and while there may be a natural connection, they are not words that can be substituted for one another. We teach our sons and daughters cultural behaviors such as saying please and thank you and the Word instructs us to enter their doors with thanksgiving. But these are biblical decisions, behaviors, recommendations and in some cases requests. However, gratitude is an internal state of being. Gratitude is palpable because it is being fully prepared to show kindness and love. Gratitude is what led the woman to wash, kiss and anoint Jesus' feet.

In a world that continues to be filled with questions, concerns, conflict and controversy, would we not benefit from developing a practice of gratitude?

Practicing gratitude means turning our focus inward, cultivating and preserving a space within oneself that acknowledges the life within us that we have no control over, yet have confidence that it works in our favor. Practicing gratitude means a commitment to pay attention to what you can admire and appreciate. Practicing gratitude is thinking about what you enjoy at any given moment. For example, the shade of a large tree you didn't plant, the laughter of a baby you heard while walking, a fragrance that brought back a good memory, to name a few. It is impossible to guide oxygen into our bodies, it just flows and nourishes our being because God has orchestrated life for you and me.

From that place that recognizes that God's life is working out trillions of biochemical details on your behalf, we can calm our hearts enough to allow gratitude to spread slowly, powerfully and surely.

As a beloved image of God, let your gratitude feel deeply rooted in God's love for you and let it emerge as an expression that others hear as an invitation to come together in gratitude. For to this day, God has been with us.

So be it.


Link to video song "Gratitude ":


Thanksgiving Reflection 2022

Gratitude is often conflated with Thanksgiving -and while there may be a natural connection, they are not words to be substituted one for the other. We teach our children cultural behaviors of "please-thank you" and Scripture instructs us to "enter God's gates with Thanksgiving." Still these are choices, behaviors, recommendations, and in some cases biblical petitions. However, Gratitude is an internal state of being. Gratitude is palpable because it is a readiness to show kindness & love. Gratitude was what led a woman to wash, kiss, & anoint Jesus' feet.

In a world (still) filled with questions, concerns, conflict, and controversies might we not benefit from practicing Gratitude?

Practicing Gratitude means turning inward, cultivating, and preserving a space in yourself that is reminded of the life within you that you do not control and yet you trust that it works in your favor. Practicing Gratitude means committing to paying attention to what you can admire and appreciate. Practicing Gratitude is thinking of what you enjoyed in any given moment. For example the shade of a large tree you did not plant, the laughter of a baby you heard as you walked past, a fragrance that reminds of a fond memory to name a few. We do not guide oxygen in. It flows and nourishes our inner being because God has orchestrated life for you and me.

From that place that acknowledges God's Life in you working billions of biochemical details in your favor, we can calm the heart enough to let Gratitude expand slowly, strongly, and securely.

As the beloved child and image of God may your gratitude feel deeply rooted in God's love for you and may that emerge as an expression others hear as an invitation to gather and be thankful with you. For until now, God has been with us.

May it be so.


Link to song "Gratitude ": v=5Ff1iGnYqyA&authuser=1

Rev. Alexandra Zareth

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