Viernes / Friday
Octubre / October 13

- 2:00 PM - Check-in: Time to visit the sponsor tables, browse books for sale and say hello to Justo and Catherine Gonzalez who will also be on hand to sign books. 
Time to visit the sponsors' tables, explore book sales and say hello to Justo and Catherine González who will also be available to sign books.
- 4:00 PM - Panel: ¿Qué se necesita para preaching en nuestras iglesias hispanas hoy / What is needed for preaching in our Hispanic churches today?
Dr. Danny Román, Dr. Pablo Jiménez, Rev. Guesnerth Perea, Dr. Michelle Ramsundar.

5:30 PM - Dinner

- 7:00 PM - Opening Greetings
- Praise / Worship
- Opening Ceremony & Keynote / Opening Ceremony & Keynote
Lecture #1
Título / Title: Speak at your own risk: the challenges of incarnational preaching.
Dr. Daisy Machado


Sábado / Saturday
Octubre / October 14

- 9:00 AM - Workshops / Workshops
Self-care and spirituality for preaching
Living room / Room: 107 - Prof. Kerwin Rodríguez
Preaching styles
Living room / Room: 207 - Dr. Pablo Jimenez
Public speaking and civic engagement
Living room / Room: 210 - Dr. Danny Román-Gloró
Women in the Pulpit: From Scandal to Prophetic Word
Living room / Room: 208 - Dr. Daisy Machado
Preaching to create faithful disciples
Salon / Room: 309 - Rev. Aracelis Vasquez-Haye
Trauma informed preaching
Living room / Room: 108 - Dr. Liz Valle
Preaching and technology
Living room / Room: 211 - Jesus Rodriguez
Preaching in immigrant communities
Living room / Room: 301 - Dr. Alberto La Rosa Rojas

10:00 AM - Break / Recess

- 10:30 AM - Workshops / Workshops
Selfcare and spirituality for preaching
Salon / Room: 309 - Prof. Kerwin Rodríguez
Styles of preaching
Living room / Room: 208 - Dr. Pablo Jimenez
Public speaking and civic engagement
Living room / Room: 108 - Dr. Danny Román-Gloró
Women in the Pulpit: From Scandal to Prophetic Word
Living room / Room: 211 - Dr. Daisy Machado
Preaching to create faithful disciples
Living room / Room: 207 - Rev. Aracelis Vasquez-Haye
Trauma-informed preaching
Living room / Room: 107 - Dr. Liz Valle
Preaching and technology
Living room / Room: 301 - Jesus Rodriguez
Preaching in immigrant communities
Living room / Room: 210 - Dr. Alberto la Rosa Rojas

11:30 AM - Lunch

- 12:30 PM - Announcements
- 01:00 PM - Keynote Lecture #2
Title: Bones and Spirit: Connecting the Word with the Community.
Dr. Daisy Machado
- 02:00 PM - Reflexión y Bendición Final / Reflection and Final Blessing